What you need to know about intermittent fasting and how it works

I get a lot of questions about what intermittent fasting is, if it works, how it’s best to do it, and so on.

It’s definitely been getting a lot more attention in the past years, some people are trying it, and others are getting rich by writing books on it. Has any of this made us healthier or happier overall? Not sure yet.

If you haven’t heard of IF so far and what I’m writing below is mostly news for you, then you’ve either been living in a cave or you’ve successfully managed to become immune to fitness hypes (you’re my idol, in this case).

So what is Intermittent Fasting (IF)? It’s simple: alternating periods of eating with periods of not eating.

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Small tweaks that helped me improve my running performance

I’ve learned a lot since I started running. How to train for a marathon, how be faster on uphills, how to survive when you’re injured and can’t run, what to eat before a race, or during a race, how to convince my mom that it’s safe to run in the mountains, what’s the best recovery, and how to shop for fluorescent shoes are just some examples. But these are the big lessons, the foundations.

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Gustari hranitoare contra cronometru

Lipsa timpului e una dintre amenintarile cele mai mari pentru sanatatea si silueta noastra. Nu avem timp sa gatim acasa mancarea pentru seara sau pentru a doua zi, la birou, iar multi dintre noi nu avem timp sa ne pregatim nici macar la birou o gustare cat de cat hranitoare. Asa ca de cele mai multe ori cadem in capcana fast food-ului, mancarii comandate in care nu stim ce uleiuri si sosuri s-au folosit sau a snack-urilor cu ingrediente pe care nici macar nu le putem pronunta. Citește mai mult