Growing up as a child of the Revolution born in the late 80s’ Romania, much of my eating habits have roots in my country’s very culture. And since us eastern europeans borrowed a lot from each other, in all senses, there are parts of the food culture that overlap and unwritten laws that are universal.
Citește mai multMonth: November 2019
Maine e zi de cursa
Stai pe marginea patului intr-o camera de pensiune dintr-un sat de munte in care n-ai mai fost niciodata. E inca un loc in care, acum cativa ani, inainte sa alergi pe munti, nu te-ai fi gandit ca ai sa cauti cazare.
Ai plecat cu o ora mai devreme de la birou, dar cu bagaje, drum, luat kit-ul si toate cele, tot te-a prins miezul noptii. Deja e mult prea tarziu si incepi sa devii anxios – ar trebui sa te culci cat mai curand, ca maine e zi de cursa. Ceasul e pus sa sune la 6, dar pana te culci, pana te foiesti in pat, iarasi prinzi cel mult cateva ore de somn. Asta daca reusesti sa adormi.
Citește mai multLimone Extreme Skyrace 2019 – Trail running perfection is muddy
Limone Extreme Skyrace was the last race of the season, and it felt like the cherry on top – just as tough as the entire season altogether.
The race wasn’t exactly in the cards in the beginning of the year, when we made our calendars. But then our friends in Datacor Running Team started bringing it up and it didn’t take long to decide.