Long story short:
– Trailrunner
– Certified nutrition coach (Fitness Scandinavia and Precision Nutrition)
– Conversion Rate Optimization Strategist
– altMBA15 graduate
– Foodie
– Dog person converted into a cat person
– Based in Brasov, Romania
Curious and enthusiast about fitness, good and clean food, travel, happiness, creativity, and everything that makes living great. Enjoying every step of this journey and breaking my limits with a smile on my face.
It all started when I ran a half marathon in 2013 just for the fun of it and never stopped. When I got to that finish line I decided to stop using the word impossible. Since then, I’ve tried everything that’s come my way in sports, healthy living, and adventure. Yoga, circuits, weights, trail running, hiking, biking, wearing high heels, you name it.
It’s a bit funny since a few years ago I thought a 2 km run would probably kill me, and now I’m winning 50km mountain races. Most people were surprised by this change (I still can’t believe it sometimes), especially since some of them had tried to be more active themselves. Then it hit me – the only motivation that really keeps us going is usually the fun and joyful part, made of all the little things that are worth the sweat, the pain, the time, and the money.
My mission
Making this active and healthy living more fun than ever before and sharing the information, motivation and inspiration along the way. That’s the only way we’ll ever stick to it for more than two weeks 🙂
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asa este ! nu exista nu se poate ! am ajuns din intamplare pe blogul tau (cautam informatii despre traseul BaleaLac-Moldoveanu) si tin neaparat sa te felicit pentru ceea ce faci, si sa-ti spun ca esti o persoana de admirat!
sa-ti dea Dzeu ani multi si sanatosi (ca de ambitie nu pari sa duci lipsa) sa te bucuri de cat mai multe experiente “transpirante” 🙂
numai bine,
Felicitari pentru acest blog, pentru faptul ca impartasesti cu noi ce e frumos in viata ta. Am ajuns si eu din ingamplare cautand un traseu de la Balea Lac la Negoiu. Esti frumoasa, ambitioasa si admir faptul ca ai ales sa te bucuri de jumatatea plina a vietii in Romania. Keep running! 🙂