Top 10 piese de echipament pe care le port cel mai des la alergare

Privind la pozele pe care le am alergând sau la ce caut prin dulap când împachetez pentru o alergare pe munte, îmi dau seama că am câteva lucruri pe care le port mult mai des decât pe altele. Fie din utilitate, fie pentru că sunt preferatele mele pentru material, lejeritate etc.

Așa că am făcut o listă a pieselor de echipament cu care ies cel mai des la alergat. A fost destul de simplu, pentru că în mai toate pozele mele de la antrenamente apar îmbrăcată aproximativ la fel.

Nu prea caut eu să mă asortez sau să calculez la gram, dar am niște preferințe (materiale ușoare, respirabile) și niște pitici pe creier (nu suport nimic strâmt pe piept sau în talie și nici tricourile cu mânecă scurtă care vine până la cot, de exemplu).

Iată top 10 zece piese de echipament pe care le port cel mai des la alergare:

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5 experiențe outdoor pe care le aștept după carantină

Libertatea de a călători e probabil lucrul care îmi lipsește cel mai mult în perioada asta în care suntem datori să rămânem acasă, din cauza pandemiei de COVID19.

Dar timpul petrecut între patru pereți mă face să-mi doresc și mai mult să reiau niște planuri care erau de mult pe listă, dar nu s-au concretizat.

Iată top 5 experiențe outdoor pe care le am pe listă, după ce trece carantina.

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Miscarea care ne lipseste cel mai mult – pasii zilnici vs ora de sport

E o perioada complicata pentru sport si miscare de orice fel, insa din fericire, partea plina a paharului e un pic de timp in plus, pentru cei mai multi dintre noi, pe care il putem dedica fitness-ului.

Insa cred ca abia acum ne dam seama cat contau toate lucrurile acelea mici pe care le faceam zilnic, nu doar pentru psihic, ci si pentru fizic.

Din punct de vedere al intentiei, facem diferenta intre doua tipuri de miscare:

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Cum sa gasesti motivatie pentru a face fitness acasa

E o provocare sa te apuci sa faci fitness acasa. Si sa te tii. Chiar daca ai echipament, greutati si aparate sau faci antrenamente cu echipament minimum, mai intra in joc si factorul motivatiei. Asadar, cum iti pastrezi motivatia de a face exercitii de fitness acasa, cu consecventa?

Eu am cateva idei care au functionat pentru mine. Si tin sa precizez ca, pana la perioada de izolare, preferam sa merg la o sala aflata la 450m de casa, in loc sa ma antrenez acasa. Chit ca faceam exercitii cu greutatea corpului, pur si simplu imi era greu sa gasesc motivatie sa incep antrenamentele acasa si sa ma tin de ele pana la capat.

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Silver linings of isolation – Use your habits to come back stronger and fitter

Every one of us knows their own struggles so far. Maybe it’s crash dieting too often, the temptation of trying every new diet, maybe it’s the sweet tooth, the fact that we love to cook, to go out to restaurants and fancy pastry shops, the fact that we like to travel and try all the local foods, and so on.

And during this time of isolation because of coronavirus, eating healthy and sticking to an exercise routine that will keep you fit might seem even more difficult. Especially if you add the constraints on top of what you already consider to be bad habits.

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Kilian Jornet’s diet, through the lens of a nutritionist

Renowned elite ultrarunner Kilian Jornet published a post a few days ago about his diet. It’s not the first time he writes about what he eats as an elite athlete, but his post generated a lot of reactions and comments.

It makes sense, because as runners we are curious about how top performing athletes train and eat. And considering his results in the past 10 years, it’s no wonder that everyone in the running community is watching every step that Kilian Jornet takes, looking at how he trains, how he lives, and of course, what he eats.

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Present you vs Future you: who wins?

I was in the middle of a conversation with one of my food coaching clients a few days ago, when I just felt the need to stop and congratulate him.

That’s because, by looking at the way he trains, eats, sleeps, and all the smaller or bigger habits that he does consistently, his lifestyle is starting to look more like an athlete’s than that of an average recreational runner.

It’s not perfect, but trust me that he is taking much better care of himself and being more consistent in his trainings than runners with much more experience and better results.

Of course, he doesn’t train at the pace of a pro athlete, that wouldn’t make sense now (it would actually hurt him and his goals if he even tried). But he’s challenging himself constantly, according to his abilities, and social, work, and family life, and that’s what matters. Also, he might not keep the same compliance over the entire year, but he knows that he can.

However, most of us find it difficult to align what we are doing now with where we want to get. I sometimes have to remind some people that, even though they want to drop 10 kilos, they are eating as if they had 20 kilos extra. Two different sides of the same person.

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The processed foods myth – are they all bad for your health?

You’ll hear many people saying that the easiest way to lose weight is to cut processed foods. However, you shouldn’t be afraid to consume processed foods, because they’re not all bad for you.

For a healthy lifestyle you just need to read the labels, adjust the dose, and learn more about the processing method. Some processing methods are useful and harmless, and that’s why some processed foods can actually be staples of a healthy diet.

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Losing weight and changing your eating habits might be much easier than you think

As a nutrition coach working with people to improve their eating habits, lose weight, and improve their self image, I get a lot of surprised reactions from my clients.

Some of them are surprised that I don’t ask them to completely give up sugar or other favourite foods.

Others are surprised that they can eat as much as they do and still lose weight.

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10 lessons learned from my trail races in 2019

My trail running races in 2019 have brought lots of a-ha moments, gratitude, and wonderful memories. Looking back, I realise I’ve learned a lot.

Some were things that I already knew that just got extra proof. Others were experiences that I had to go through to find out what motivates me as a trail runner, what makes me run faster, enjoy the trails more, and reminded myself why I love this sport.

Here are just 10 things I’ve learned from racing in trail competitions in 2019.

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Foto: Andrei Tale

Maine e zi de cursa

Stai pe marginea patului intr-o camera de pensiune dintr-un sat de munte in care n-ai mai fost niciodata. E inca un loc in care, acum cativa ani, inainte sa alergi pe munti, nu te-ai fi gandit ca ai sa cauti cazare.

Ai plecat cu o ora mai devreme de la birou, dar cu bagaje, drum, luat kit-ul si toate cele, tot te-a prins miezul noptii. Deja e mult prea tarziu si incepi sa devii anxios – ar trebui sa te culci cat mai curand, ca maine e zi de cursa. Ceasul e pus sa sune la 6, dar pana te culci, pana te foiesti in pat, iarasi prinzi cel mult cateva ore de somn. Asta daca reusesti sa adormi.

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