Privind la pozele pe care le am alergând sau la ce caut prin dulap când împachetez pentru o alergare pe munte, îmi dau seama că am câteva lucruri pe care le port mult mai des decât pe altele. Fie din utilitate, fie pentru că sunt preferatele mele pentru material, lejeritate etc.
Așa că am făcut o listă a pieselor de echipament cu care ies cel mai des la alergat. A fost destul de simplu, pentru că în mai toate pozele mele de la antrenamente apar îmbrăcată aproximativ la fel.
Nu prea caut eu să mă asortez sau să calculez la gram, dar am niște preferințe (materiale ușoare, respirabile) și niște pitici pe creier (nu suport nimic strâmt pe piept sau în talie și nici tricourile cu mânecă scurtă care vine până la cot, de exemplu).
Iată top 10 zece piese de echipament pe care le port cel mai des la alergare:
Category: RUNNING
Kilian Jornet’s diet, through the lens of a nutritionist
Renowned elite ultrarunner Kilian Jornet published a post a few days ago about his diet. It’s not the first time he writes about what he eats as an elite athlete, but his post generated a lot of reactions and comments.
It makes sense, because as runners we are curious about how top performing athletes train and eat. And considering his results in the past 10 years, it’s no wonder that everyone in the running community is watching every step that Kilian Jornet takes, looking at how he trains, how he lives, and of course, what he eats.
10 lessons learned from my trail races in 2019
My trail running races in 2019 have brought lots of a-ha moments, gratitude, and wonderful memories. Looking back, I realise I’ve learned a lot.
Some were things that I already knew that just got extra proof. Others were experiences that I had to go through to find out what motivates me as a trail runner, what makes me run faster, enjoy the trails more, and reminded myself why I love this sport.
Here are just 10 things I’ve learned from racing in trail competitions in 2019.
Citește mai multMaine e zi de cursa
Stai pe marginea patului intr-o camera de pensiune dintr-un sat de munte in care n-ai mai fost niciodata. E inca un loc in care, acum cativa ani, inainte sa alergi pe munti, nu te-ai fi gandit ca ai sa cauti cazare.
Ai plecat cu o ora mai devreme de la birou, dar cu bagaje, drum, luat kit-ul si toate cele, tot te-a prins miezul noptii. Deja e mult prea tarziu si incepi sa devii anxios – ar trebui sa te culci cat mai curand, ca maine e zi de cursa. Ceasul e pus sa sune la 6, dar pana te culci, pana te foiesti in pat, iarasi prinzi cel mult cateva ore de somn. Asta daca reusesti sa adormi.
Citește mai multLimone Extreme Skyrace 2019 – Trail running perfection is muddy
Limone Extreme Skyrace was the last race of the season, and it felt like the cherry on top – just as tough as the entire season altogether.
The race wasn’t exactly in the cards in the beginning of the year, when we made our calendars. But then our friends in Datacor Running Team started bringing it up and it didn’t take long to decide.
“Va antrenati impreuna?” – Antrenamente solo vs alergari de grup
De cand impartim aceleasi poteci, aceeasi casa si participam la aproximativ aceleasi concursuri, Andrei si cu mine primim des intrebarea: “va antrenati impreuna?”.
Partea amuzanta e ca unul raspunde DA si celalalt, NU. Si partea cea mai amuzanta e ca amandoi avem dreptate.
Eu sunt aia care raspunde cu NU. Sa va explic de ce.
Citește mai multMaraton Piatra Craiului 2019, o cursa alergata de dor
Zbor, joaca, suferinta, bucurie, prabusire, revenire, lupta, extaz. O cursa buna de alergare montana le are pe toate, pe rand si in doze diferite.
Pentru mine, insa, Maratonul Piatra Craiului de anul asta a fost in mare parte suferinta si transpiratie.
Citește mai multGrossglockner Ultra Trail – Conquering the Austrian Alps in our first trail relay
Grossglockner Ultra Trail is a race that goes around Austria’s highest peak, Grossglockner (3798m), through the National Park Hohe Tauern. And it’s one of the few trail events that have a long distance team relay race. Of course that’s what Andrei and I went for.
It’s a relatively “young” race, the 2019 edition being the 5th one so far.
We signed up for the 110k race, the longest one, but split in two: Andrei would do the first leg, 60k with 4500m elevation, while I’d do the second, 50k with about 2000m elevation. The 50k segment was exactly the route of the official Kalser Tauern Trail race of the event.
Citește mai mult5 mistakes I made in Lavaredo Cortina Trail race
Running the Lavaredo Cortina Trail’s 48km race in 2018 was a beautiful experience. I’ll call it that because it wasn’t just about the race. It was the entire roadtrip with friends, seeing new trails of the Dolomites, and going through the highs and lows of the competition.
Also, about rediscovering a place I’d fallen in love with a year before, on the road cycling trip.
Citește mai multThassos active holidays – run, cycle and swim in a Greek paradise island
When your friends set up a holiday plan for Thassos, a pictoresque island with blue waters in Greece, you know it’s going to be a beautiful and relaxing vacation.
But if your friends are runners, cyclists and climbers, then you should know they’re tricking your ass into a training camp, and not a vacation.
As you might have guessed, my case was the latter.
Citește mai multMaraton DHL, coming up soon on the hills in Fundata
On June 22nd at Cheile Gradistei, we have the chance of running DHL Marathon by MPG, on a wonderful route around the hills in Fundata. This is probably the best time of year to run there, because everything around is green, the trees are in bloom, and the hills are full of flowers.
Citește mai multTransylvania 50k – Chasing demons on the trails in Bucegi
After a few years of dreaming about it, I finally ran the Transylvania 50k race.
It’s not like I couldn’t run there any other day, but there’s something special that happens in a runner’s circuits when you put a bib number on his shirt and you wake him up at 5am to face neverending climbs surrounded by others sharing the same suffering. Yeah, it’s hard to explain why we love it so much.
Citește mai multBrasov Marathon – The epic adventure of the first race in a new city
As a kid, I used to play the violin. It meant hours of practice almost every afternoon, when everything I played made my family and our neighbours cringe.
I could tell by their fake smile when we met in front of the building. They’d ask me “so how is the violin practice going?” as if they didn’t already know it was going terrible.
But every once in a while, the noises I usually made would sound like real music. Call it flow or practice making perfect, but some days the chords just “aligned” to play as they should.
I had the same feeling about running Brasov Marathon last Saturday. A race that I hadn’t been to before on a route that was kind of familiar to me because I had trained on parts of it, but never entirely and definitely never feeling in such a good flow as I did on the race day.
Transylvania 50k: preparing my first ultra
With only one month left before the start of Transylvania 100k event I thought about sharing some things about how I’m preparing the 50k race, which I consider to be my first ultramarathon.
Technically, everything longer than a marathon falls into the ultra definition. However, the mad people in the trail running world who run long distances say that nothing under 60k counts as an ultra. I won’t go for the extremes, so let’s say 50k is somewhere in between.
Citește mai multTibles Marathon – run the hills, eat the polenta
Remember the things that you loved about your first trail race?
I surely do. There was the challenge, there were the people, the atmosphere, the feeling of being at some kind of outdoor party with friends who share the same passion: getting their quads mashed for a few hours, just to get that crazy feeling of running free in a beautiful mountain landscape.
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