5 experiențe outdoor pe care le aștept după carantină

Libertatea de a călători e probabil lucrul care îmi lipsește cel mai mult în perioada asta în care suntem datori să rămânem acasă, din cauza pandemiei de COVID19.

Dar timpul petrecut între patru pereți mă face să-mi doresc și mai mult să reiau niște planuri care erau de mult pe listă, dar nu s-au concretizat.

Iată top 5 experiențe outdoor pe care le am pe listă, după ce trece carantina.

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Hercules Marathon – Running memories of a legendary autumn

Isn’t it funny how life gives you an answer right when you need it the most? This year’s Hercules Marathon race in the rusty autumnal hills of Valea Cernei, Romania, was exactly the feeling I had been missing and was looking for.

I’d been feeling tired and not so motivated after my previous race, Maraton Pirineu, in Spain. Actually, this sensation that I don’t really want to train and compete had been going on since after Marathon 3200, in July. I felt like turning the engines a bit off after that one and took a few weeks off from training.

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The Fit Tales Newsletter

I’m so happy and excited to let you guys know that I’m *finally* starting my Fit Tales newsletter.



There’s too much noise about nutrition. Lots of it is accurate information, and lots of it is crap. I’ll be here to help you figure out what’s what and take better decisions for your health. 

I get to read, try, study, analyze, experiment so many things related to nutrition and sports and I can’t possibly share all of them. Through the Fit Tales newsletter it will be easier for me to do a selection of information that is valuable, relevant, and bullshit free.

Make no mistake, this isn’t a one way deal. I’ll count on you to give me feedback, ideas, and tell me what you’re experimenting and learning.


I’m just following the footsteps of several content creators that I admire, especially my friends Cristina Chipurici and Andra Zaharia, who are doing an amazing job with their newsletters – Cristina’s Friday Read and How Do You Know.

What we’ll do here is to work together towards becoming a tribe of like-minded people, willing to learn more about nutrition and exercise.

In every email you’ll get interesting articles, research, personal views on nutrition and sports, things I’ve come across in my experience as a food coach and I think you might find useful, ideas and recipes to try, as well as coaching techniques that we can practice together. Plus, some personal stories of the more vulnerable kind.


Is this for you?

It’s for you if you’re willing to dig deeper and not take all the noise on these topics as being the one and only truth.

It’s for you if you’re willing to be flexible and try different hypotheses without being radical in your beliefs.

It’s for you if you’re not looking for an easy way out. Because, surprise, there isn’t one.

I’m tempted to say that if you’re a radicalist, an 800-calories/day-starve-yourself-to-death type or a know it all, we don’t want you here. But the truth is, we do. I’ll get ready for this challenge so that we can all learn from one another.


Sign up here


More about me here.

Mulțumiri pentru un an de alergări



A trecut un an pe care nu l-am măsurat doar în kilometri, ci și multe ore de antrenamente, multe încurajări, oameni noi, care se ajută reciproc și care construiesc povești frumoase împreună. Am avut norocul să întâlnesc câțiva dintre ei în toată călătoria asta și vreau să le mulțumesc pentru niște lucruri aparent mărunte. Pe unii nici nu i-am numit direct pentru că aș fi strâns suficiente motive pentru un roman, dar sigur se regăsesc mai jos.

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