For the first time in history, Romania has a team of trail runners competing in the Trail World Championships (TWC). Citește mai mult
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Recenzie de carte: Drumul către Sparta, de Dean Karnazes
Dean Karnazes, american de origine greacă, este unul dintre cei mai populari ultramaratoniști din lume. După succesul primei sale cărți, Ultramarathon Man, a publicat un volum nou, Drumul către Sparta, care face parte din colecția IRun de la Preda Publishing.
Drumul către Sparta nu e una dintre cărțile clasice despre alergare, cu o latură motivațională, cât e un elogiu adus Greciei, locul unde a început povestea maratonului. Citește mai mult

How long is this going to take?
Well, how long do you want it to last?
Since I started food coaching and helping people build better eating habits, I’ve also been learning a lot. And I don’t mean learning just actual nutrition science, that I’m doing now in the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification, but also learning about how things actually work in real life with real busy schedules. Citește mai mult

Vall del Congost Marathon 2018 – Setting season’s expectations
Every race is a learning experience and an exam at the same time. You get to see how your mind and body react to the distance, speed, and elevation. You get to see how your quads feel in the first 30km and how they feel after km 40.
You learn how your stomach handles food and how it handles gels. You get to hear your mind speaking, your body feeling alive. And you learn how a different pace, different weather, or an unexpected detail in the competition can turn things around completely.
Plus, you get to live a totally different experience as you adjust all these variables.
– Can I run this distance and elevation so early in the season, after my 5 month break last year?
– Can I handle it well if it’s been almost a year since I’ve run this distance (EcoMarathon 2017, and that was actually shorter and less elevation)

Race day
What I loved about Vall del Congost race
– A big plus point, compared to most races I’ve been to, is that they don’t require a compulsory list of equipment. You decide for yourself what you’re going to take with you during the race, at your own risk.

This spring’s challenge: My longest race at Transylvania 50K

Pau Capell: I always put family before running
Just a few days ago, the Catalan ultrarunner Pau Capell defended his title in Transgrancanaria, with an amazing victory in the 125km with 7500m elevation race, finishing it in 12h 42min 08s.
I was lucky enough to have him answer a few questions about how he trains his body, his mind, and his nutrition to achieve such performances. His beliefs reveal the importance of the emotional balance that maybe we don’t often realize is that important for ultra runners who seem to focus only on spartan trainings and nothing more. It turns out that his personal life plays a decisive role in his performance and it’s something he advises all runners to prioritize.

Rocacorba Trail – Last minute sign up, first class adventure
I made my mind up and changed it about signing up to run 20 times before the day of the race so I didn’t really have time to process it.
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Best interview method: take the candidate to a team race
So where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Aren’t we all tired of boring job interviews? Of the candidate trying to give the right answers, not necessarily the honest ones and the interviewer trying to see if he ticks all the boxes? Citește mai mult

Viața de ciclist începător în 13 gif-uri amuzante
Bicicleta de șosea a fost pentru mine o achiziție la intersecția nevoii cu planurile mai vechi. Mă gândeam de mult să fac o plimbare mai lungă pe undeva, dar până nu a intervenit nevoia – glezna ruptă care mi-a schimbat planurile de mișcare – n-am făcut nimic în sensul ăsta.

Five behavioral tactics to lose weight and keep it off
Get to your ideal weight, performance or reach any other goal that you set.

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Practice until perfect: Turning weak spots into strengths