Losing weight and changing your eating habits might be much easier than you think

As a nutrition coach working with people to improve their eating habits, lose weight, and improve their self image, I get a lot of surprised reactions from my clients.

Some of them are surprised that I don’t ask them to completely give up sugar or other favourite foods.

Others are surprised that they can eat as much as they do and still lose weight.

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The fitness industry wants you fat, unhealthy, and unhappy

The fitness industry is not really in the health promotion business.

It’s a kind of vicious circle if you think about it.

On the one hand, our goals are more related to how much we weight than with how healthy we are.

And on the other hand, the fitness industry is trying to sell us all these things that don’t work, just to keep us hooked and buying the next 10 miracle supplements or programs they’ll be selling tomorrow.

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Trigger foods: what they are and how to stop overeating them

Peanut butter.

Ice cream. Followed by a second helping.

A bag of crunchy salty stuff – popcorn, roasted salty nuts, things that you just have to finish, no matter how big the bag is.

Packs of sweet crunchy stuff – biscuits, cookies, waffles.

Warm fresh bread and salted butter.

Trigger foods are those that you can’t stop eating. The ones above are my personal examples. Just some of them.

Our brain is wired to love and become addicted to the sweet – fat – salty combo. It’s not our fault, it’s evolutionary. But we can choose what we do about it.

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Câteva lucruri învățate într-un an de food coaching



S-a facut un an de cand am terminat cursurile si am devenit nutritionist cu acte in regula. Nu mi-am propus sa fac doar asta, n-aveam cum oricum, dar am urmarit doua lucruri: sa continui sa invat dupa ce am terminat cursul si sa lucrez cu clienti cu obiective diferite, ca sa aplic si sa testez cat mai mult din ce am invatat.

De atunci am lucrat cu tot felul de persoane, oameni cu obiceiuri diferite si am vazut o mie de ciudatenii alimentare in jurnalele lor. Pentru ca n-am facut foarte mare tam-tam pe tema asta si nici cu timpul n-am stat prea bine, am lucrat unu la unu mai mult cu friends si friends of friends sau am tinut workshopuri in care, in cateva ore, am putut sa vorbesc cu mai multa lume deodata.

Planul a fost (si inca este) sa impartasesc cat mai multa informatie, sa ii invat pe cei cu care lucrez ce, cand si cum sa manance ca sa isi atinga obiectivul si sa isi schimbe niste convingeri si obiceiuri alimentare. Insa si eu am invatat cot la cot cu fiecare persoana cu care am lucrat, din unicitatea fiecaruia si din surprizele pe care le aduce in bagajul relatiei cu mancarea.

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